The free your data campaign has been initiated to further the cause on a political and social level. This can’t be done alone so here are our partners, supporters, friends:
Internet & Communications Policy Spokesperson Green Party, Chairman NSA-Committee at the German Parliament & Communications Policy Spokesperson SPD, Member of the Bundestag Bavaria, Internet & Communications Specialist, ICANN ALAC Mitglied Executive Officer re:publica, Founding member of the lobby association “Digital Society” D64 – Centre for Digital Progress, Author and Columnist at BILD and Communications Legal Policy Spokesperson of DIE LINKE Parliamentary Party in the German Federal Parliament
(photo: Jochen Mittenzwey)
Network spokesman for CDU/CSU
(photo: Tobias Koch)
CEO Open-Xchange AG of Golden Frog
Founder Protonet GmbH, Internet activist for Digital Sovereignty’re an activist, politician, company that stands for personal data rights or privacy? An artist or an author? Join the cause!